Monday, 7 May 2012

ebook, traditional book, self-publish book?

So I'm trying to decide what to do with my novel, Red Island.  The traditional route of sending it to agents and publishers takes time.  Even if a publisher says yes it is still 12 - 18 months before the book is ready to sell.  If I self-publish it costs money.  If I epublish it can be up for sale in 24 hours, doesn't cost me anything, and I control everything.  Hmmmm, what to do.

I must admit I have always wanted to find a book with my name on it somewhere in a book store and run my finger over the embossed title.  But then if I don't find the right agent or publisher it could never happen.

I've been writing for 27 years with little to show for it.  Some stuff in local anthologies (first review for my writing said something like, "Watch out for this person in the future.") and articles in my home town paper.

I did sell an article once to the senior editor at Chatelaine Magazine.  He has read my novel and has been encouraging me to get it out there.

Among those who’ve read and liked my book is one Peter Carter, former Editor in Chief of Harrowsmith Country Life and columnist for Canada’s largest magazine Chatelaine. He is one of Canada’s most experienced magazine editors and a self-proclaimed Michael Connelly fanatic. Here’s Carter’s take on Red Island: “It’s a swift read and a solid page turner with masterful pacing, no-nonsense prose and great sex that all work together to keep the reader glued to the story until the final page. And beyond even. The book cries out for a sequel. Red Island contains all the classic elements but also a freshness that crime-novel readers will find delightful.”

With that sort of praise my head is getting bigger.  And yet I still want more encouragement to get my book out there.  Someone give me the words I need to get my ass in gear!

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